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Why Natural?
Natural offers an extensive range of available sources that help maintain good health and a strong defense system.
Why not natural?
What are herbs?
Herbalism is the practical use of herbs and goes way back to biblical times. Herbs are plants with savory or aromatic properties that are used for flavoring and garnishing food, medicinal purposes, or for fragrances. In medicinal purposes the parts of herbs used come from the entire plant; leaves, bark, flowers, seeds, and roots.
What are essential oils?
Plants have been used as medicine since biblical times.
Essential oils are the essence of the plant. They’re natural, effective, and multi-purpose.
Essential oils are 50-70x more powerful than herbs.
Because they are so potent, you only need 1-2 drops at a time, which makes them very affordable
Natural ingredients allow our bodies to function without the overload of toxins.
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