This recipe isn't completely sugar free but you can make them with a lot less sugar using cane sugar which has 4 g of sugar verses 28 from white refined sugar. You can also substitute with monk fruit if you would like. You can use coconut sugar as well but it will make the color browner so if you are after a lighter color than this isn't the best sugar option. Honey does contain sugar as well but local, raw honey has awesome medicinal properties to it and can help boost the immune system.

1 cup sugar (I use cane sugar or coconut sugar)
⅓ cup honey (I use raw local)
2 tablespoons water
2-3 drops lemon oil, or oil of choice- I have also used lavender oil.
Pour the sugar, honey, and water into a medium sauce pan. On medium heat, stir ingredients together with wooden spoon until sugar dissolves. Once sugar dissolves, place candy thermometer in pan and allow ingredients to boil. While mixture is boiling, prepare candy molds with non-stick spray and sucker sticks. Let mixture boil until temperature reaches 295° F, or the hard crack stage. Immediately pour into heat-resistant measuring cup. Add essential oil and stir. Pour mixture into candy molds. Twist sucker sticks to make sure they are fully coated. Let suckers rest for at least 30 minutes before removing from mold.